AS | Access System | |
AS | Advanced Server (Microsoft Windows) | |
AS | All Source | |
AS | All Star (sports) | |
AS | Another Subject | |
AS | Anti-Social | |
AS | After-Sales Service | |
AS | Archive Server | |
AS | Area Security | |
AS | Area Source | |
AS | Australia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands) | |
AS | Application Server | |
AS | Application Software (NEC) | |
AS | Application System | |
AS | Air Speed | |
AS | All Stars (Disney resort) | |
AS | Activity Start (ITU-T) | |
AS | Wait (logging abbreviation) | |
AS | Academy of Science | |
AS | Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies) | |
AS | American Samoa (US postal abbreviation) | |
AS | Associated Students | |
AS | Associated Support | |
AS | Australian Standard | |
AS | Arm Slave (anime) | |
AS | Administrative Site | |
AS | Administrative Support | |
AS | Administrative System (Bellcore) | |
AS | Applied Science | |
AS | Assigned (Telabs) | |
AS | Anti Static | |
AS | Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard) | |
AS | After Sight | |
AS | Assistant Secretary | |
AS | Associate in Science | |
AS | Aviation Safety | |
AS | Associate of Science | |
AS | As Stated | |
AS | Adult Situations | |
AS | Additional Shift (used on overtime forms) | |
AS | Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block) | |
AS | American Samoa (top-level domain name) | |
AS | Adopted Son | |
AS | Acquisition Strategy | |
AS | Australian Shepherd (dog breed) | |
AS | Air Sealed | |
AS | Analog Switch | |
AS | Approaches Standards (school grading system) | |
AS | Automation Specialist | |
AS | Asian Sensation | |
As | Athletics (Oakland baseball team) | |
AS | Audit Standards (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) | |
AS | Assault Support | |
AS | ATM Switch | |
AS | Attachment Sheet | |
AS | Area Surveillance | |
AS | Complex Antenna | |
AS | Answer Supervision | |
AS | Alarm Surveillance | |
AS | Advanced Switching | |
AS | Authentication Service | |
AS | Authentication Server | |
AS | Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move) | |
AS | Abstract Syntax | |
AS | Advanced Subsidiary level (UK) | |
AS | Arsenal Ship | |
AS | Aviation Support Equipment Technician | |
AS | Aerospace Studies | |
AS | Aerospace Corporation | |
AS | Anti-Spoofing | |
AS | Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites) | |
AS | Aggregate Supply (economics) | |
AS | Aerospace Society | |
AS | American Standard (Piscataway, NJ) | |
AS | Abandon Ship | |
AS | Alignment Signal (ITU-T) | |
AS | Submarine Tender | |
AS | Allowance Standard | |
AS | Auxiliary Steam | |
AS | Autonomous System (ATM) | |
AS | Anglo-Saxon | |
AS | Advanced Supplementary (education testing level; also seen as A/S) | |
AS | Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician) | |
AS | Asbestos Survey | |
AS | Alto Saxophone | |
AS | Artificial Stupidity | |
AS | Assistant Referee (Soccer) | |
AS | Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character) | |
AS | Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells) | |
AS | Apprentice Seaman | |
AS | Air Superiority | |
AS | Air Station | |
AS | Applicability Statement | |
AS | Angled Single | |
AS | Asperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder) | |
AS | Ascent Stage | |
AS | Adam Sandler (actor) | |
AS | Add/Subtract | |
AS | Address Strobe | |
AS | Authorization Subsystem | |
AS | Automatic Sprinkler | |
AS | Analysis Subsystem | |
AS | Ancillary Services | |
AS | Ankylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine) | |
AS | Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer) | |
AS | Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album) | |
AS | Auger Spectroscopy | |
AS | Arsenic | |
AS | Sickle-cell Trait (carrier; genetics) | |
AS | Accounting Standard | |
AS | Alka-Seltzer | |
AS | Así Somos (Spanish: So We; British television series) | |
AS | Actionscript (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java) | |
AS | Administrative Simplification | |
AS | Agency Services | |
as | Aqueous Solution | |
AS | Acute Sinusitis | |
AS | Aggressor Squadron | |
AS | American Singles | |
AS | Audioslave (band) | |
AS | Agrarian System | |
AS | Access Stratum (3GPP) | |
AS | Anatolian Studies | |
AS | AppleScript | |
AS | Airlift Squadron | |
AS | Air Sampling (station) | |
AS | Annual Summary | |
AS | Aortic Stenosis | |
AS | Activesync (Microsoft software) | |
AS | Anal Seepage | |
AS | Academia Sinica (Taiwan) | |
AS | Angel Sanctuary (Manga) | |
AS | Apollo-Saturn (US NASA) | |
AS | AfterStep (Window Manager for X) | |
AS | Angelman Syndrome | |
AS | Aanstaande | |
AS | Advanced Schottky | |
AS | AppleShare | |
AS | Angry Son (band) | |
AS | Aeronautical Science (Flight Major) | |
AS | Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club) | |
AS | Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series) | |
AS | Assault Ship (Eve Online gaming) | |
AS | Antisubmarine | |
AS | Aerospace Standards | |
AS | Armée du Salut (Salvation Army) | |
AS | Altostratus (cloud formation) | |
AS | Anonymous Sender | |
AS | Anti Sweat | |
AS | Ammunition Specialist | |
AS | Anti Surge (type of electric fuse) | |
AS | Acrylonitrile Styrene | |
AS | Airfield Services | |
AS | Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company) | |
AS | Aviation Ship (US DoD) | |
AS | Author Space (webcomic) | |
AS | Aggregate Subbase (construction) | |
AS | Aperture Stop | |
AS | Ahead Station (transportation) | |
AS | Amino Salicylic Acid | |
AS | Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel) | |
AS | Assassin/Assassination | |
AS | Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code) | |
AS | Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company) | |
AS | Alayhis Salaam (Arabic: Peace Be upon Him) | |
AS | Auxiliary Submarine | |
AS | Aft Shroud | |
AS | Analog Secure (US DoD) | |
AS | Autos Suecos (Spanish: Swedish Cars) | |
AS | Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart) | |
AS | Anno Satanas | |
AS | Ammeter Switch | |
AS | Ampere Switch | |
AS | Articulation Score | |
AS | Anvil Stratus | |
AS | Anti-Scintillation | |
AS | Allery Scotts Ltd (UK) | |
AS | Austin Servers (online gaming community) | |
AS | Ampere Sensor | |
AS | Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear) | |
AS | Aryl Sulphate | |
AS | Air Seasoned Timber | |
AS | (car enthusiasts) | |
AS | Acquisition/Application System | |
AS | Anaerobic Seeder | |
AS | Aspheric Subassembly | |
AS | (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician | |